

The wild boar is sniffing truffles and finds the golden one, now he must run quickly through the woods to win the contest. In his turn a player puts on the boar nose and a demand card is turned over and placed next to the mirror. The player now must find the mushroom cards corresponding to the demand card and drop them into the yellow part of the box. Mushrooms not needed are dropped into the red part. Mushrooms can only be recognized in the mirror and may not be relocated within the box. Each unnecessary mushroom collected looses the player a correct mushroom. If correct mushrooms remain, they earn the player a face-down demand card each. The golden mushroom earns the player the Lucky Mushroom. When all have had 3 turns, each card scores one point, the Lucky Mushroom another point, the highest score wins.


Search and dexterity game * 2-4 players from age 5 * Designer: Markus Nikisch * Illustration: Ulrike Fischer * ca. 15 minutes * 4232, Haba, Germany, 2006 *** Haba Spiele * Habermaaß GmbH *