Tier auf Tier Jetzt geht’s rund!


The crocodile sits on the turntable, which in turn sits on a small disc, and the shark fin is placed into the turntable. Players in turn choose one animal until all have the maximum number according to the number of players. Then you roll the die and stack: For pips two animals of your choice. For the question mark one of the other players chooses the animal. For the hand symbol you hand an animal to another player to stack. For two buoys you stack an animal and move the turntable twice, for the arrow you turn it around once. For the shark fin you switch direction of fin and turntable movements. Stacked animals can only touch the crocodile or other animals, never the turntable and you use one hand for stacking. After each stacking attempt the turntable is moved to the next buoy and you have to imitate the animal which the shark passes. When you cause the stack to tumble, you take fallen animals, maximum two, the others go into the box. You win if you manage to stack all your animals. In an expert version the turntable rests on a hemisphere.


Stacking game for 2-4 players, ages 5+


Publisher: Haba 2012

Designer: Klaus Miltenberger, Kristin Mückel

Art: Michael Bayer

Web: www.haba.de

Stock#: 4973


Users: For children


Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr it nl * In-game text: no