SOS - Schaf in Not


Sheep have missed the rescue ship and must now race across the rocks to catch the ship and get off the island. You take a starting card, a ship card and a sheep. You roll the color die, turn over an ocean tile of this color and place it between starting card and ship. If you roll a color that is already in your track, you may move your sheep towards the ship, a number of steps equal to the number of rocks on the ocean tile of respective color. If you can move your sheep onto the ship first, you win!


Dice race for 2-4 players, ages 4+


Publisher: Haba 2014

Designer: Inka und Markus Brand

Artist: Günther Jakobs


Stock#: 300142


Users: For children

Age: 4


Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr it nl * In-game text: no