Sherlock Kids

Chasing the Thief of pictures


Sherlock Kids are a secret society of young detectives, whose flair for detection is needed for the clearing up of art thefts in the Museum; pictures disappear and all that is left is an envelope with a picture riddle.

The Art Museum is set up and each player puts his marker on the entry staircase. The current Riddle Submitter draws one of the picture boards, chooses one side and places the picture for all to see. All study it and pay close attention to color details while the Riddle Submitter thinks up a question that can be answered unequivocally with a color. When he thinks that enough time has passed he covers the picture and poses his question. All mark the answer on their disc; when the color is not named on the disc you mark X. Then the riddle is scored; if you marked the correct answer you move your marker on the stair by one step; the riddle submitter moves his marker when there was a minimum of one correct answer, but not all answers were correct – which means that he must not ask a question that is too easy or too difficult to answer.

When all have been riddle submitter two or three times – depending on the number of players – you win if you are nearest to the picture thief; if you manage to reach the last room before that you win instantly. In variants you can also ask for numbers; on the discs you can mark 1-6 or X; or you can agree that any kind of questions is possible and each player simply writes down his answer.

Basically this is a memo game, but ingeniously disguised, the challenge is in the posing of the question by the Riddle Submitter! Fantastic pictures, simple mechanism and a fun gaming experience!


Players: 3-6

Age: 5+

Time: 25+

Designer: Reiner Knizia

Artist: Ulrike Fischer

Price: ca. 16 Euro

Publisher: Haba 2013


Genre: Communication, memory

Users: For children

Version: multi

Rules: de en es fr it nl

In-game text: no



Fantastic components

Colorful, details pictures

Simple, very attractive mechanism

Trains observation of details


Compares to:

Memo game with questions and answers


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 2

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 3

Communication (red):

Interaction (brown): 0

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0