

In the Druids Tournament the stream of elements need to be sorted. Number of players minus one point cards are laid out, the element cards are spread out open-faced and randomly. You take on random card and then quickly search for a card that you can place next to it. For a suitable card you count the symbols around the edge and search for a card that shows the symbol in its middle that is the most frequent at the edge. If you have six cards laid out, the round ends and whoever has  - after checking with the magic eye – the longest correct sequence, takes the highest available points card. When all point cards are taken, you win with most points.


Spotting and card placement game for 2-4 players, ages 7+


Publisher: Haba 2015

Designer: Günter Burkhardt

Artist: Franz Vohwinkel


Stock#: 301590


Users: For children

Age: 7


Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr it nl * In-game text: no