Räuber Rudi


Camping is fun in the wild woods. But on the way home one has to be cautios, Robby Robber is hiding, making faces at people and frightening them. So one must sidle past silently. The active player rolls the dice and uses one to move his adventurer, the other one to move Robby towards the road sign. If Robby and an adventurer meet on a square, the adventurer is sent back to the camp site and receives a camouflage tile to make himself invisible. The first player to bring two or three adventurer back into the village wins the game.


Tactical dice game * 2-4 players from age 5 * Designer: Wolfgang Kramer * 4227, Haba, Germany, 2004 * *** Haba Spiele * Habermaaß GmbH * www.haba.de