Ratz Fatz Bingo


Nix of Ratz Fatz and Bingo. EEach player has a set of 25 tiles which are laid out openly on the players‘ boards. Then stories, rhymes and riddles are read and players look for the named terms on their boards and turn the tile over. You can play with 5x5 tiles or 4x4 tiles. Whoever is first to complete a horizontal or vertical row, calls „Ratz Fatz Bingo“ and grabs the Cheetah token. The second player grabs the Dog, the third the Turtle and the last one the Snail. Instead of reading texts, you can also pose questions about the terms; players try to recognize the turn and turn over the corresponding tile.


Listening and reaction games for 2-4 players, ages 4-12


Publisher: Haba 2015

Designer: Hajo Bücken

Art: Thomas Dahmen

Web: www.haba.de

Stock #: 300880


Users: For children


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes