Monza das Kartenspiel


The racing cards race along the track using color correlations. A track is laid out, the cars are placed at the start and the traffic light cards are stacked face down. In your turn you draw a traffic light card and check the colors of the traffic light against the colors on the three cards in front of your card. If the same color is on card and light you can move forward to the track of this color on the next card. If you make clever use of the colors you might be able to move three cards forward. You may use any card only once, obstacles cannot be entered. You can overtake cars and up to three cars can be on a track. If you cross the finish line first you win.


Version                           : de

Rules                              : de

In-game use of language   : no


Card racing game * 2-6 players, ages 4+ * Designer: Jürgen P. Grunau * Art: Oliver Freudenreich * 4738, Haba, 2011 *** Habermaaß GmbH *