
Chaosmonster in the house!


The box provides a set of five games on the daily life topic of residency, furnishing and structure.

Hier wohnt Luca: All players furnish the rooms together, name and place the various items; for some items it is clear where they belong, for some others children can explain why they should be in this room, for instance for the aquarium.

So sieht es bei mir aus … und bei dir? You take the top card and describe room depicted on the card in a way so that the other can furnish the room to look similar to the image on the card. When there is a mistake, the card is given to the Chaos Monster, if not, it goes to the players; after five cards players or Chaos Monster win with most cards.

Ri-Ra-Rumpelzimmer: All items are randomly distributed in all rooms; in turn you pick up an item, describe it and put it into the correct room.

Das kleine Chaosmonster: All rooms are furnished with basic items. All players but the active one close their eyes; the active player takes an item and puts it anywhere in the house. Whoever among the other players finds the mistake first, receives the item; if you collect three items, you win.

Was machst du auf dem Klo? Cards are spread out - the active player calls out a verb, for instance „to eat“ - all others hit the room where you normally do this, as quickly as they can. The fastest player is given an item, and you win if you are first to have five items.

Using impressively functional and simple components the game trains structure, allocation and use of items; there could be a kitchen containing a shower, but an aquarium definitely should not be on the stove!


Players: 2-4

Age: 4-6

Time: 10+ each

Designer: Kai Haferkamp

Art: Antje Bohnstedt, Oliver Freudenreich

Price: ca. 23 Euro

Publisher: Haba 2012


Genre: Game collection

Users: For children

Version: de

Rules: de

In-game text: no



Series Fit für den Einschulungstest

Enchanting components

Five ways to play


Compares to:

Educational games on residing and furnishing


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 2

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 1

Action (dark green): 2