The box provides a set of five games on the daily life topic of residency, furnishing and structure. Hier wohnt Luca: All players furnish the rooms together, name and place the various items. So sieht es bei mir aus … und bei dir? You take the top card and describe room depicted on the card in a way so that the other can furnish the room to look similar to the image on the card. Ri-Ra-Rumpelzimmer: All items are randomly distributed in all rooms; in turn you pick up an item, describe it and put it into the correct room. Das kleine Chaosmonster: All rooms are furnished with basic items. One player secretly creates a mistake, the others must spot it. Was machst du auf dem Klo? Cards are spread out - the active player calls out a verb, for instance „to eat“ - all others hit the room where you normally do this, as quickly as they can.
Collection of educational games for 2-4 players, ages 4-6
Publisher: Haba 2012
Designer: Kai Haferkamp
Art: Antje Bohnstedt, Oliver Freudenreich
Stock #: 4941
Users: For children
Age: 4
Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no