Mini-Spiel Pinguin

Die große Schlitterei


A Mini-game in a tin box with a key ring, multi-lingual rules.


Each player has a pinguin, 2 ice floes and a kick stick, the floes are placed approx. 30 cm from the tin tip, the South Pole. With the stick the empty floe is slid as closely as possible to the floe with the penguin, if the distance is less than the length of the stick, the penguin can be transferred. The first player to get his penguin within a stick length to the South Pole has won the game.


Dexterity game * Series: Mini-Spiel * 2 players from age 5 * Designer: Markus Nikisch * Graphics: Martina Leykamm * ca. 5 min * 2693, Haba, Germany, 2005 *** Haba Spiele * Habermaaß GmbH *