Mini-Spiel Kuh

Such die Kuh!


A Mini-game in a tin box with a key ring, multi-lingual rules.

The cows are placed on the table with a little distance from each other, the dice are rolled and all search simultaneously for the correct cow. The colour die determines the colour of the cow, the symbol die determines whether the cow must have a face or not. If a player finds a cow he puts his hand on top – if he is correct he takes the cow. Cows can also be snatched from a player. A player taking the wrong cow goes out of the game this round. The first player to have 3 cows wins the game.


Reaction game * Series: Mini-Spiel * 2-4 players from age 5 * Designer: Wolfgang Dirscherl * Graphics: Ulrike Fischer * ca. 5 min * 2699, Haba, Germany, 2006 *** Haba Spiele * Habermaaß GmbH *