Mini-Spiel Hund



A Mini-game in a tin box with a key ring, multi-lingual rules.

The bones are in the half open tin, the dogs sit along the long side of the tin. In his move a player rolls the die. If the kennel appears, the tin is turned 90 °, for a number the dog moves round the hut, each side counts as one spot. If a dog exactly reaches the short open side it goes inside and takes a bone and can move on in the next turn. The first player with two bones wins the game.


Dice game * Series: Mini-Spiel * 2-4 players from age 5 * Designer: Wolfgang Dirscherl * Graphics: Eva Muszynski * ca. 5 min * 2697, Haba, Germany, 2005 *** Haba Spiele * Habermaaß GmbH *