Mini-Spiel Hase



A Mini-game in a tin box with a key ring, multi-lingual rules.

The rabbits are in starting distance from the carrot field, the box lid. One player hides three carrots secretly in his hands in any way he wants, the other player chooses a closed fist and receives the carrots in this fist, the hiding player keeps the carrots in his other hand. Then both players lay out the carrots in front of their rabbits and place the rabbits at the end of the line. The first rabbit to reach the carrot field wins.


A tossing game * Series: Mini-Spiel * 2 players from age 5 * Designer: Markus Nikisch * Graphics: Martina Leykamm * ca. 5 min * 2690, Haba, Germany, 2005 *** Haba Spiele * Habermaaß GmbH *