Meine ersten Spiele Tier auf Tier Junior


Three stacking games using wooden animals - crab, snake, gorilla, crocodile, llama, fox, tiger and dog; they can be stacked in any orientation.

Tierischer Stapelturm - A sun tile is revealed, the depicted animal is named, found and placed on the meadow or stacked on animal(s) already there, If nothing topples, you take the sun tile. When all sun tiles are taken, you win with most. Kunterbunte Floßpyramide - Meadow and Water hole are laid out, animals and sun tiles placed around them. You roll the die - for green or blue you take an animal and stack it on meadow or water hole; for the sun you can choose meadow or waterhole. If nothing topples, you take a sun tile. Again you win with most sun tiles, when all have been taken. Um die Wette mit Karl Krebs - Sun and bank tiles are laid out as a path for Carl the Crab; you roll the die - for green or blue you stack an animal on meadow or water hole; for the sun, Carl moves one tile towards the snail. When all animals are stacked before Carl arrives at the snail, the game is won by all.all win together.


Stacking game for 1-4 players, ages 2+ 


Publisher: Haba 2021

Designer: Klaus Miltenberger

Art: Martina Leykamm

Editor: Robin Eckert, Christiane Hüpper


Stock #: 306068


Users: For children

Special: 1 player


Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr it nl  * In-game text: no