played for you


Meine ersten Spiele

Hanni Honigbiene


A color dice and memo game in the series Meine Ersten Spiele. In two variants of the game players train color recognition, motor skills and concentration.

For Game 1 – Honigsüße Bienengrüße von der Blumenwiese – the beehive is put up vertically, flowers are laid out flower side up and you roll the die. For a color the bee flies to the flower of the same color; the flower is inserted into the beehive, comes back out of the hive honey-side up and is placed on the honey glass. When the flower symbols was rolled, one flower is not yielding honey and one flower must be set aside. When six honey tiles are laid out, all players win the game together.

For Game 2  - Farbenfrohe Blütensuche für fleißige Bienen – all is prepared as for Game 1, only the flowers are set down honey side up. When a color is rolled, you must turn up the flower of this color; if you succeed, the flower is converted to honey in the beehive. When a wrong color is turned up, the active player may turn up another one when he can correctly name the color of the previously revealed flower and continue to do so until the correct flower is found and turned into honey as usual. The other flowers are then turned back over again. Again all win together when six flowers are honey side up on the honey glass.

Just like all other games in the series Meine Ersten Spiele, Hanni Honigbiene also totally meets the necessities for a game for toddlers – large, beautiful components in clear primary colors, most simple rules and playable by one player as well as by several players. The converting of flowers to honey is done enchantingly and children consider it to be great fun!


Players: 1-4

Age: 2+

Time: 10+

Designer: Tim Rogasch

Artist: frau annika

Price: ca. 17 Euro

Publisher: Haba 2016


Genre: Color dice, memo, toddlers

Users: For children

Special: 1 player

Version: multi

Rules: de en es fr it nl

In-game text: no



Fantastic components

Simplest possible rules

Can be played alone or by several players


Compares to:

All games of the series Meine ersten Spiele


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 2

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 2

Communication (red): 1

Interaction (brown): 0

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 1