Lilli Lotto


The friends are playing merrily and at the end there is an untidy pile of things, that needs clearing up. Each player has a deposit card, the red picture cards are laid out face down, and each player is dealt 4 blue cards, which are laid out openly next to the deposit card. The things on these cards you need to find. In your turn you turn up a red card. If you find that image on one of your cards, you receive the card and place it on the blue one. If you have all four cards, you feed your animal and a new round begins. If you can feed your animal for the 2nd time you win.


Version        : multi

Regeln         : de en es fr it nl

Text im Spiel : nein


A game of memo and assembling * 2-4 players, ages 3-6 * Designer: Hans Baumgartner * Art: Kristin Mückel * 4095, Haba, 2011 *** Haba Spiele * Habermaaß GmbH *