Kuh Solitaire


A tin shaped like a solitaire board, in the tin a board showing a meadow full of stones in the classical positions of solitaire spots, the playing pieces are cows and trefoils, they are placed in random order leaving the middle spot empty. Pieces are moved over one other piece, horizontally or vertically, the spot behind must be empty, the piece that was jumped over is taken off the board. Only one piece should remain at the end of the game, profi players manage to leave the stone on the middle spot.


Position game * Serie: Bekannte Spiele in neuen Dosen * 1 player from age 5 * Classic game * Grafik: Ulrike Fischer * N° 44 / 2596, Haba, Germany, 2005 *** Haba Spiele * Habermaaß GmbH * www.haba.de