Hoppe Reiter


After a lovely day on the pasture the horses must be brought back to the stables, but on the way you must pick up all the items that are necessary for looking after the horses well.

Each player is given a storage board for those items and places his horse on the pasture. In your turn you roll both dice: The red die shows the number of steps the horse can move forward, the blue die indicates which item you can take and fit the corresponding puzzle part into your board. But unfortunately you cannot do both – you must decide if you want to move the horse forward or if you take an item and store it on your board. For this decision you must keep in mind that you are only allowed to put the horse into its stable box when you have completely filled your storage board. If you are first to reach the stables and can put your horse in the box you win the game.

Based on these simple rules you can play three more games: in the easy version the rule for use of the dice is changed; you can use both dice simultaneously, when the board is full so simply cannot take anything anymore. In the hurdles variant the hurdles are placed on two randomly chosen spots, those spots must be jumped over. In the solo die variant you decide which die you want to roll in your move.

As all Haba games this one too, fascinates by the simple basic mechanism and the attractive components, the different versions allow a simple adjustment to the age of players. And you can get so nicely excited because the die doesn’t show the horseshow again and again when your horse is standing 2 steps away from the box.


Race game with dice for 2-4 players, ages 3-12


Designer: Susanne Gawlik

Publisher: Haba 2011

Web: www.haba.de

Stock#: 4321


Users: For children

Age: 3


Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr it nl * In-game text: no