Flinke Flitzer



Many cars in different colours are standing at the crossroads. Who will be the first to have cars in six different colours in his parking lot. The big board is put in the middle and all 24 cars are put on it. Each child receives its own parking lot. In the first round each child rolls the color die and puts a car in that color onto the parking lot. In all other rounds this is repeated, if the child does not yet have a car in the colour appearing on the die. If the child already has a car in that colour, the car drives out of the parking lot to the child on the left, if that child also has that car, it drives on. If everybody already has that colour, the car returns onto the big board. A child with 6 different cars on his parking lot wins the game.


Colordice game * 2-4 children from age 4 * Author: Reiner Knizia * ca. 10 min * ca. 8 € * 4411, HABA, 2000 *** Habermaaß GmbH, Postfach 1107, D-96473 Bad Rodach * Fon +49-9564-929-0 * Fax +49-9564-929-119 * www.haba.de