


The apple in the middle of the board is the goal for the little caterpillars, but to reach it, they must grow fast and run fast. Each player takes a head and puts it on his string. Each player rolls the die: For another color but his own he puts a corresponding bead on his string, for his own color he chooses between a bead in his color or movement of the caterpillar one space forward. For the caterpillar he moves forward, on a fruit he rolls the die again, missing beads may be taken from the very end of another caterpillar, or else the caterpillar of that color may move. For the apple one may take any bead or move forward. Who reaches the apple first with a complete caterpillar, wins. Who reaches it incomplete, rolls the dice for putting on more beads.


Dice- and bead game * 2-4 children from age 4 * Author: Karin Pennther * ca. 15 min * ca. 30 € * 4177, HABA, 2000 *** Habermaaß GmbH, Postfach 1107, D-96473 Bad Rodach * Fon +49-9564-929-0 * Fax +49-9564-929-119 * www.haba.de