Der kleine Kobold


In the series Spiel & Buch the little imp tells a riveting story of a fantastic journey to the sun. Kurt the imp loves to do magic nonsense, but one day a comet smudges the sun and his magic wand does not function any more. So he has to travel to the sun to clean it. On this journey he meets many exciting situations and the children help him. The feel for things in the magic bag to put into the book and so actively participate in the story.


Game and picture book * Series: Spiel & Buch * 1-4 players from age 4 * Concept: Anja Dreier-Brückner * Graphics: Anja Dreier-Brückner * 5309, Haba, Germany, 2005 *** Haba Spiele * Habermaaß GmbH *