Aufbruch ins Abenteuer
Basket cards, Balloon cards and Target cards are shuffled and stacked face-down. The active player draws a card from the stack or from the set-aside ones. A Basket card you can keep it open-faced, but only one incomplete basket per animal. When you draw a Balloon card you can keep it, if you have the corresponding basket card. A Target card can be placed face-up or face-down. When all balloons for a basket are collected, you can start a new one for this kind of animal. Cards that you could not use are set aside face-down. If you hand in cogwheel you can do a second turn. If you place the third open-faced Target card, the game ends. For each adventurer in your completed baskets you score one point and win with most points.
Card placement and set collecting game for 2-4 players, ages 6+
Publisher: Haba 2013
Designer: Eljan Reeden
Artist: Peter Pfeiffer
Stock #: 5944
Users: For children
Age: 6
Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr it nl * In-game text: no