Titans of Industry
In the early 1920ies you invest in factories and businesses for production and sale of products. You begin with four workers and a starting capital and in each round, you buy buildings: Into factories you place workers for production of goods which you sell in businesses for money and victory points. After 1923, 1925 and 1927, you must pay for building maintenance or take out loans, which cost victory points at the end. After 1927, you win with most VPs from sales, buildings and corporate strategy cards.
Worker Placement & Resources management for 3-6 players, ages 13+
Publisher: Gozer Games / Game Salute 2013
Designer: Matthew Duhan, Brian Lewis
Art: Randy Field, Christopher Kirkman , Neko Pilarcik, Jamie Watt
Web: www.gozergames.com
Users: For experts
Version: en * Rules: en* In-game text: yes