Race! Formula 90

Monza or Hungaroring?


Race! is a car racing game in which each turn simulates one or several laps on the track, and in which each player controls only one car. Additional cars, so-called robots, are moving automatically, rivalling each other and the players' cars. You have a set of race cards and a car chart to keep track of resources. Cars are moved with race cards and use up resources when moving. Track trajectories and special events influence the race. Whoever is in the lead at the end of the final turn, wins the game.

The game offers a basic game and an advanced game and also includes rule for a game with children. In the basic game you choose one of the available strategy chips, based on the race cards that you were dealt - Save Tires, Hazard, Balance, Lucky, Chase or Banging Wheels. One round comprises the steps of Advance the Turn indicator, Activate Track Section and resolve contests, if any, followed by individual player's turns comprises optional pit stops, drawing of 1 or 2 cards and playing of 1 or 2 cards and then paying resources, performing checks and resolving events, this only in the advanced game.

There are special rules for the robots, which basically are moving obstacles for the player cars.

In the advanced game you choose an ability for your driver - Versatility, Reflexes, Qualifying, Pitting, Tuning or Lapping, and you also must take weather conditions and tires into account.

Race offers an unusually realistic and intensive simulation, which results in an average playing time of more than four hours; it is a definitive titbit for fans of the genre, also as regards to design and components, a design which plays entirely without dice!


Players: 2-6

Age: 14+

Time: 270+

Designer: Alessandro Lala

Artist: Giorgio De Michele

Price: ca. 47 Euro

Publisher: Gotha Games 2013


Genre: Car race

Users: With friends

Version: en

Rules: en it

In-game text: no



Complex game with rather simple basic rules

Attractive, well-working simulation

Plays without dice


Compares to:

All more complex car racing games


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 2

Strategy (blue): 3

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0