
Das erste Kaiserreich


As heads of families, we support the king in the unification of the Warring States into an empire, by assisting in building palaces, roads and canals, in building the Great Wall and the creation of the Terracotta Army. Such grand plans take longer than one life span and so the ships of the families are questing for the Elixir of Life. In five rounds of three phases each, you draw two cards from the decks of Writing, Currency and Laws in Phase 1. In Phase 2, you play - in each turn - one card and have one action – either Unification with placing he card in one of five areas on your board, paying attention to the Unrest level –OR one of the Court actions with placing the card in the Emperor’s area on the Court board. Court action options: recruit 1 Official or 2 workers, search for elixir, build palace, install governor or build 1 wall segment. Then you must either activate card abilities OR move an official to your own board OR pass. In Phase 3 you are rewarded for the contributions to Writing, Currency or Laws. At the end of your turn, you can place Terracotta soldiers. After five rounds, victory points from during the game, governor majorities in regions, alchemist cards and ship progress, mausoleum bonuses, walls and Terracotta soldiers at the mausoleum entrance are scored.

New edition, first edition What’s Your Game 2014


Engine building with worker placement and actions for 1-4 players, ages 14+


Publisher: Giant Roc Games 2024

License: Sorry We are French © 2023

Designer: Marco Canetta, Stefania Niccolini

Art: David Sitbon, Ulric Maes

Web: www. giant-roc.com

Stock #: 1031003


Users: For experts

Special: 1 player


Version: de * Rules: de en es fr it ko * In-game text: no