Leader 1

Hell of the North


Originally intended as an expansion for Leader 1, Hell of the North has developed into a stand-alone game, fully compatible with Leader 1. The name originates from the road race Paris-Roubaix, which features many cobblestone sections.

Players are managers of a bicycle racing stable and decide on position and condition of their racers; the game comprises all challenges like terrain, springs, breaking away, falls, equipment problems and many more. The three cyclists in a team have different abilities, their starting energy depends on the number of distance markers on the hexes that where laid out for the track. A turn in the game comprises placement of the cyclists who broke away, breaking away, announce peleton for pursuit, move peleton, move cyclists that were dropped by the peleton and handing-on of the peleton marker.

This new edition of the game features many characteristics typically for Northern road races; some of the track hex tiles feature cobble pavement sections; the game also features new characteristics for the cyclists. You can decide at the start of the race if you want to play with two or three cyclists per player, resulting in more individual tactics, or if you want to use one cyclist for each player, which will make alliances important for the result of the game. Possible events in the race are Slipstreaming, Running Risks like Crack or Fall, Punctures, Cobblestone and Weather, you can play one single race or a race comprising several stages.

Hell of the North is an attractive, realistic simulation with a surprising amount of tactics, working well with any number of cyclists.


Players: 2-10

Age: 14+

Time: 45+

Designer: Alain Ollier, Christophe Leclerq

Artist: Giorgio de Michele, Erebus

Price: ca. 35 Euro

Publisher: Ghenos Games 2011


Genre: Bicycle race simulation

Users: With friends

Special: Many players

Version: multi

Rules: de en es fr it nl

In-game text: no



Very attractive component, especially the cyclist figurines

Well working, rather complex simulation

Modular track construction

Stand-alone game, fully compatible to Leader 1


Compares to:

Leader 1, Giro d’Italia, Um Reifenbreite


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 1

Tactic (turquoise): 3

Strategy (blue): 2

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 1

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0