


Spezial               vi





The ancient confrontation, human contra werewolves, continues in this expansion. Werewolves must infect humans, humans must find their comrades that have been taken hostage by the werewolves, free them and leave the forest before nightfall. One player embodies all werewolves, the hostages are randomly drawn, then you choose one of the remaining characters. In the game human turns alternate with werewolf turns. A human turn comprises drawing an action card, exchange items and actions – explore, first search, forward/run, alert, hide, second search – and finally adapting of cards held. You can spend determination points at any time, also for other players with you on a hex. A werewolf turn comprises planning, movement and actions with pack card, sniff/attack, bloodthirsty frenzy attack, call of the blood or healing. A werewolf can summon Father Tree or Mother moon once. With the time marker at 6 p.m. night begins with special rules for combat, infection or life and death or determination points. When all humans have left the forest, are transformed or dead or all werewolves are dead the game ends and the victory conditions are evaluated.

The expansion Death Moon provides new pack cards for the lycanthrope player, 3 new forest hex tiles and a new special item. Both humans and werewolves are provided with new secret skills which they can use once in the game.

The complex adventure with a considerable demand on tactics is made even more interesting by this expansion, and again you need gaming experience and at least one complete game familiarize yourself with rules and components.


Players         : 2-7

Age             : 14+

Duration       : 150+


Designer      : Servando Carballar

Artist           : Juan Garcia, Adrián López

Price            : ca. 9 Euro

Publisher      : Gen-X Games 2010

Web             : 


Genre          : Adventure game with werewolf topic

Users           : With friends


Version        : multi

Rules           : en es

In-game text : yes


Comments    : Expansion * needs basic game to play * well-chosen well working new details for the game

Compares to : All werewolf games for topic, otherwise complex adventure games

Other editions: Currently none


Zufall                            0

Taktik                  2

Strategie__                  0

Kreativität           0

Wissen_               0

Gedächtnis          2

Kommunikation   0

Interaktion                   3

Geschicklichkeit  0

Action                  0