


A game of Dragon Mastery


Dragons confront each other in an arena comprising an inner and an outer ring of 24 cases each, opposite cases in the inner and outer ring are framed to form a segment. Each player commands the pieces of one background color - four green Vine Dragons, three blue Water Dragons and two red Fire Dragons.

You roll two dice and move pieces accordingly along the inner ring; black pieces move in clock-wise direction, white pieces move counter-clockwise; one piece per dice result, also with using the same piece twice. When the target space in the inner ring is taken, the dragon changes into the outer ring of the target segment. You cannot end a move on a completely filled segment, but such segments are counted towards the range of movement. A Vine Dragon blocks an opposing dragon, if he enters a segment with such a dragon. The Water Dragon ousts an opposing dragon from a segment. The fire dragon destroys an opposing dragon in a segment. From colored corner segments, you enter dragons from the Tray to the Mat, with a roll of 1, 2 or 3 a dragon moves from the Mat into the inner ring.

If one of your pieces encounters one of your own pieces in a segment, it is also blocked. A piece blocked by an opposing dragon is freed by the lower result of a roll, the second result is forfeit. Your own piece can only be freed by moving the dragon in the outer ring out of the segment. You win when your opponent has no piece left in arena or Mat or if you you have destroyed all opposing dragons of a kind.

Very beautiful and very good - simple rules for an intense game, the dice introduce challenge and sudden turn-arounds!


Players: 2

Age: 8+

Time: 30+

Designer: John Yianni

Artist: John Yianni

Price: ca. 25 Euro

Publisher: HUCH! & friends 2016


Genre: Abstract, placement

Users: With friends

Special: 2 players

Version: multi

Rules: de en fr

In-game text: no



Classy, attractive components

Simple rules

Easily accessible

Lots of tactic, also from dice results


Compares to:

Abstract 2-player games


Other editions:

Gen42 (en)


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 3

Strategy (blue): 1

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0