played for you
The Dome
Powerstruggle under the sphere
After a nuclear cataclysm the „C-Particle“ has been discovered, a particle that can be used for anything you like; as a player you can manipulate those particles and want to prevail over other manipulators or enhance your abilities. Depending on the number of players there are different goals in the game: In a game for two you want to reduce your opponent’s Health Points to 0 or make sure that he has no cards left to draw from; in a game of three or four one player embodies the Mastermind who wants so sabotage the others who are cooperating against him. Mastermind uses eight cards, but must first collect the necessary energy for using.
After setting up the game you play your own character deck: In the phase Start you resolve all effects for that phase, in some cases also your opponent. In the phase Actions you spend three action points for actions at a cost of one point per action. Action options are: o Download – you draw cards; o Resource Distribution – you put two cards from your hand into your resource pools. o Installation – You play a card from hand for Program, Action or Jammer. O Cracking – you use resource pools to crack a server security.
The Action Phase is followed by the Arrange Phase in which you exhausted cards and then the Finish phase in which you resolve all effects for that phase to end your turn.
The most interesting part of this game for me is the back ground story about the universal particle that replace all others and renders everything prone to manipulation – mechanisms are rather standard; another remarkable detail is the change in goal and way to play in a game for three and four players.
Players: 2-4
Age: 13+
Time: 60+
Designer: Hope S. Hwang
Artist: Bong Gyun Choi
Price: ca. 30 Euro
Publisher: GaryKim Games 2015
Genre: Conflict, cards, cooperation
Users: For experts
Special: 2 players
Version: multi
Rules: en jp kr
In-game text: yes
Unusual, interesting story
Good mix of standard mechanisms
Aim of the game varies with number of players
Compares to:
Asymmetrical card games
Other editions:
Currently none
Chance (pink): 1
Tactic (turquoise): 3
Strategy (blue): 2
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 3
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 0