Wau Wau

Das Buchstabenspiel


Letters are shuffled, you receive five cards and the top card of the remaining stack is revealed. Aim of the game is to get rid of all your cards. You can form a word using your letters and displaying it or put the next consecutive letter on the discard pile or form a word using my letters and the letter on the discard pile. If words are already displayed, you can add letters to them to change them. If you cannot place a letter, you must draw a card. If you manage to form a word using all your cards, regardless of how many you hold, must begin the turn with „Wau“ and end it with „Wau Wau“ or draw a penalty card. Letter values are scored for the owner immediately. You can play other games with those cards, rules are available from the publisher.

New edition with a different cover


Publisher: Gartenverlag Ansbach 2009

Designer: Thomas Fitzthum

Art: Thomas Fitzthum

Web: www.thomasfitzthum.de

Stock #: -


Users: For families

Special: Many players


Version: multi * Rules: de en fr * In-game text: no