72 square tiles come in four colors with two cards of values 1 to 9 per color. In relation to the number of players, you have a different number of cards, in one or two colors. You want to achieve 4 or 5 adjacent tiles of one color in a row, column or diagonal. The starting player turns up his top tile and puts it on the table. All others in turn either place a card - adjacent over edge or corner, and within a 6x6 grid - or put it on top of a card; in both cases color is not regarded, but to top a card the upper one must have more points. If you win a round, you remove the highest card of the row from play. If you win two rounds, you win the game.
Tile placement game for 2-4 players, ages 7+
Publisher: Game Factory 2018
Designer: Bernhard Weber
Development, editing: Rolf Mutter
Art: Carletto / Game Factory
Web: www. gamefactory-spiele.com
Stock #: 646214
Users: For families
Version: de fr * Rules: de fr en hu ko nl pl * In-game text: