Lift it!
Move the ball with a head crane
There are many construction games, some feature team work, too, and yet Lift It! provides a completely new team feeling and construction flair. The basic mechanism is simple: You have a template card and a time frame and must complete the construction according to the template within the time frame. The challenge is in the details: You don’t build directly with your hands, but use a crane with a hook to move the parts and place them. Some spots on the track demand building with the crane fastened to your head. If you decide to play the team version, you connect the cranes on both players’ heads with one hook that is then used for building. On the track on the board you begin at the starting spot, building parts are set up on the board. You draw a building card and build the depicted construction using the method determined by the location of your marker on the track: Either using the crane with your hands according to instructions given by another player, you do not see the template card, or with the crane on your head. You must always build in the given section on the board and with the crane. When time has run out you move your marker one step for each correctly placed part and receive a bonus if you completed the construction within the time limit. In a duel you score if you finish first. When a marker reaches the opposite start/finish case, you win at the end of the round if you are furthest ahead.
A crazy idea that works - the team version with the cranes on your head is a special challenge for movement coordination and interpreting „left, left“ as right, or better not? Pure action with lots and lots of fun.
Players: 1-8
Age: 8+
Time: 30+
Designer: Per Gauding
Artist: Oliver Freudenreich
Price: ca. 22 Euro
Publisher: Game Factory 2014
Genre: Construction, action
Users: For families
Version: multi
Rules: de en fr it + dk fi no se
In-game text:
Cute idea
Good Components
Good practice in communication and exact instruction as well as exact implementation of instructions
Compares to:
First game of its kind
Other editions:
Scandinavian edition at Martinex/Peliko
Chance (pink): 0
Tactic (turquoise): 0
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 2
Interaction (brown): 0
Dexterity (green): 3
Action (dark green): 3