

Cards carrying numbers are looked at, swapped and matched. You receive four face-down cards and place them in a 2x2 grid. In a turn, you draw a card from deck or discard pile and swap it with one from your grid. If you play a card directly from the deck into the discard pile you can use the ability of the card; cards 7 to 14 offer abilities: 7+8 – look at a card in your grid; 9+10 – look at a card in another player’s grid; 11+12 – swap any two face-down cards; 13 – look at any card and swap it with another card, or 14 – look at any two cards and swap them. At any time, you can discard the last card that was discarded with a card from the same value of your or an opponent-‘s grid. If you announce KOMBIO, you lock your grid, all others have one more turn, and the round/game ends. You win with the lowest score-


Card game for 2-6 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Game Factory 2022

Designer: Andrew Bruce

Stock #: 646290


Users: With friends


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no