The Exodus


Moses vs Pharaoh, with different winning goals: Moses must connect one Israelite tile with one of two Moses tiles; the Pharaoh must connect one Israelite tile  to the only Pharaoh tile or hinder Moses to meet his goal. Nine special tiles are randomly placed on nine starting spots - three Israelites, two Moses, one Pharaoh, one impasse, one fire pillar, one cloud pillar. You begin with two path tiles and one impasse tile, which can stop paths. Fire and cloud pillar are tunnels for Isrealite paths. In your turn you place a tile, until one of the goals is met. You play one round as Moses and one as Pharaoh, and for the third round the loser of the second one decides if he wants to play Moses or Pharaoh. You win if you win two rounds.


Tile placement for 2 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Game Sapiens / Bible Games 2013

Designer: Dong-Ryeol Lee



Stock #: 23600 3


Users: For families

Special: 2 players


Version: ko * Rules: ko * In-game text: no