Fanion Travel
The game features cards with either three ribbons in one color or two outer ribbons of one color and a middle ribbon in another color. You are dealt seven cards and the top card from the stack begins the display. In your turn you place a card from your hand next to the latest card in the display, corresponding to either the color of the middle ribbon or the color of the outer ribbons. If you place a card of cone color, you must follow it up with a two-colored card featuring the color of the monochromatic one. If you cannot do that you must draw cards until you can. If you can play three cards in your turn you take a Fanion card from the Fanion stack or from another player. If you can place your last card, you get two Fanion cards from the stack or one from another player. If you are out of cards in hand and hold three Fanion cards of the same color, you win.
Card shedding game for 2-6 players, ages 8+
Publisher: Game Division 2024
Designer: Erich Brechbühl
Art: Erich Brechbühl
Web: -
Stock #: -
Users: For families
Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no