Stick to Colours
You collect victory points with card combinations in colors or numbers. You have two cards in hand and six double-sided Refusal tokens, a number of open-faced cards forms the market. The active dealer chooses a card from the market, the other decide if they bid or pass. If you bid, you put your Refusal token as “?” on a card that he does not want to have, ever. Each player who bids must refuse one card more than the previous player, also cards already refused by others, and can also put down cards from hand, face-down, and refuse those. The last bidder of the round gets the card, refused cards from players’ hands go out of play, ccards with tokens of all players but one go to this player. Remaining cards stay in the market, tokens on them are turned to “x”. When the stack is empty, you score points for three cards of a number in different colors or straights of the same color.
Bidding game with cards for 2-4 players, ages 12+
Publisher: GaGa Games 2015
Designer: Ilya Proshin
Artist: Valentina Yegorova, Ilya Panfilov
Stock#: GG021
Users: With friends
Version: multi * Rules: en ru * In-game text: no