played for you


Warehouse 51

Legendary treasures on offer


The United States of America are bankrupt and as a last resort auction off the treasures and relics stored in Warehouse 51. Relict cards are stacked sorted by colors and counterfeit cards are placed between players.

The relics are color-coded and carry different values within a color, and can also be either blessed, cursed or neutral, with corresponding effects on a collection from the moment of acquisition – instant, permanent, at the end of the game or in scoring.

You reveal a card and auction it, open or blind, according to the card symbol. In case of an open auction players in turn either bid higher than the previous player or pass, the last one in the bidding wins the auction. For a blind auction all give one secret bid, the highest one wins. The winner pays his bid in gold ingots to his left neighbor.

In case of being short of gold ingots you can pawn a relic and buy it back at the end of the last auction for 10 gold ingots per relic. Then the counterfeit cards are revealed and corresponding relic cards removed from collections, eventual curses or blessing lose their effects. Then you score for the best collection in a  category, for complete sets and remaining gold ingots.

Wow! What an off-key game! Beginning with the topic and ending with auction payment to your left neighbor, giving him more gold to spend. Curious, but it works. In-between there are only auction and maybe the one or other card effect to deal with, nothing more. That relics have effects was only to be expected from the topic, they fit well. A fast, cute, witty game offering lots of fun. A lovely filler game!


Players: 3-5

Age: 8+

Time: 75+

Designer: Bruno Faidutti, Sergio Halaban, André Zatz

Artist: Rafael Zanchetin

Price: ca. 20 Euro

Publisher: Funforge 2015


Genre: Auction

Users: With friends

Version: en

Rules: de en fr

In-game text: yes



Unusual topic

Equally unusual mechanism

Lots of fun with simple rules


Compares to:

Auction games


Other editions:

French, German


Chance (pink): 1

Tactic (turquoise): 2

Strategy (blue): 2

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0