

You are dealt cards in relation to player numbers; four cards are laid out; the rest is stacked. In each round, you play your cards to take cards from the middle. In a turn, you play a card – if minimum one card in the middle has the same value, you take all those cards from the middle; if one card in the middle shows an adjacent value, you must take it; if no card in the display fits your card, you place your card in the middle. If necessary, the display is replenished to four cards. Cards you take are sorted by color. When all cards are played, you count the cards in the colors where you have most and least cards. The difference of those values is your score for the round. If you have reached or topped the pre-agreed score at the end of a round, you win.


Card game for 2-6 players, ages 6+


Publisher: FunBot 2022

Designer: Frank Noack, Rico Besteher

Art: Ronny Libor

Web: www.

Stock #: 1028415


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: cs de en fr ja pt zh * In-game text: no