Eiserner Vorhang


Conflict of ideologies, USA vs UdSSR. Europe is start card with one influence marker per faction. You hold five strategy cards. IN round I, you play four cards one by one openly and orthogonally next to a card, if possible into its region and score this region for ideology points, if completed. Then you command = place influence markers as required by the rules on all cards or trigger events on loyal cards, for ideology points. the 5th card is places for an aftereffect. If you reach your flag on the ideology track, you win instantly; or else with most points after a final scoring of regions and aftereffects after round II.


Card game for 2 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Frosted Games 2018

Designer: Daniel Skjold Pedersen, Asger Harding Granerud

Art: atelier198

Web: www.frostedgames.de

Stock#: 0 719896 46272 3


Users: With friends

Special: 2 players


Version: de * Rules: de en es * In-game text: yes