

The worlds in Würfelwelten relate to one key element in one other of the games from Stonemaier LLC. In three rounds you try to collect most stars. You take a set of card comprising 11 world cards, one resources card and one scoring card. Someone reveals three cards from his deck, all others take out the same cards from their decks. Then all play nine turns simultaneously – in a turn, two dice are rolled and you activate one world for each die result. If you cannot activate a world, you receive one resource. Resources can be spent to modify use of dice results. After nine turns you count the stars in your worlds and score unused resources. For the next round someone reveals three new worlds. After three such rounds, you win with most stars.


Development game for 1-5 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Feuerland Spiele 2021

License: Stonemaier LLC 2021

Designer: Jamey Stegmaier

Editor: Inga Keutmann

Art: Miles Bensky, Marius Petrescu

Web: www.feuerland-spiele.de

Stock #: 31004


Users: With friends

Special: 1 player


Version: de * Rules: de en es fr it ko ru * In-game text: yes