

Tracking along a trail to collect stones, leaves or acorns or to take pictures, encounters with wild animals earn you a bonus. Your wanderer moves one or two steps and resolves the day or night action of the slot he arrived on – take raw material or swap raw material and/or take picture. At entry or exit of the trail you swap raw materials for badges, reaching the exit triggers sundown for one track segment, sundown over all the trail triggers game end and you check for a majority of birds on images and badges to win the bird trophy. Then you add your points from images, badges and bird trophy and win with most points.

Series Blue Label


Move-and-collect game for 2-4 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Feuerland Spiele 2021

License: Keymaster Games 2021

Designer: Henry Audubon

Editor: Mattox Shuler, Matt Aiken, Jennifer Graham-Macht, Inga Keutmann

Art: Mattox Shuler, J.P. Boneyard, Kyle Key Web:

Stock #: 31007


Users: For families


Version: de * cs de en es fr pl * In-game text: yes