Cold War


Conflict of secret services, players in their guise as members of CIA oder KGB try to manipulete nations and conflicts. Each player holds six agent cards as a face-down headquarter. You play in rounds until a player has accumulated 100 points. A round comprises the phases Briefing with revealing of a mission; Planning with choosing an agent, Influence struggle with enlisting groups, that is, reveal or use cards or pass. Then in the Cease-fire phase you add influence points, if you exceed the mission stability unrest happens. Debriefing and Détente phases score the current situation.


Conflict simulation with cards, for 2 players, ages 14+


Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games 2007

Designer: David Rakoto, Sebastien Gigaudaut

Art: David Rakoto, Edge Studio


Stock#: CW01


Users: With friends

Special: 2 players


Version: en * Rules: de en fr it * In-game text: yes