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Camel Up Supercup

The race goes on


Camel race in the desert - camels move along the race track and players bet on stage results and final results. A player turn comprises exactly one out of four options: Take a stage tile to bet on a camel - place your desert tile on the track - take a pyramid tile, use the pyramid to toss dice and move the camel in the color of the die ejected by the pyramid - bet on final winner or loser. Camels that end their move on an occupied square are placed on top of others there to form a camel unit and all camels in it move together. When all camels have been moved once, a stage ends and is scored. When a camel unit crosses the finish line, you win - after a stage scoring and the final scoring - with most money.

Super cup provides four additional modules for the camel race in the desert; you can use them individually or in any combination with the core game. Components for a game with nine and ten players are also provided, in this case you should use all modules. Module 1 comprises an extended track and dice for galloping – at the start of a round the second die for the camel in last place is put into the pyramid; you can also enter the second die with a pyramid tile. Module 2 introduces a photographer - you can choose the option to take the photographer tile and position the camera to take pictures of camel units on this spot, you earn one Pound per camel in the unit. Module 3 offers bets on position and Module 4 betting partnerships in a game of six or more players.

This expansions offers something for every taste – a bit more chance, forced betting partnerships and a way out from a blatantly wrong bet, and there is also money.


Players: 2-10

Age: 8+

Time: 40+

Designer: Steffen Bogey

Artist: Dennis Lohausen, Andreas Resch

Price: ca. 15 Euro

Publisher: eggertspiele / Pegasus 2015


Genre: Race, dice, betting

Users: For families

Special: Many players

Version: multi

Rules: de en + es hu it nl

In-game text: no



Very good, atmospheric expansion

Provides many new facets for the game

Basic feeling and flow of the game remain intact


Compares to:

Camel Up


Other editions:

Z-Man (en), Piatnik (hu), 999 Games (nl), (it), Ediciones MaQUeOca (es)


Chance (pink): 3

Tactic (turquoise): 2

Strategy (blue): 1

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0