The Boldest


In the Iron Valley you fight mechanical monsters and collect artifacts. At the start of a round = day, you relocate your heroes and then form three hero groups for your planning board. In the action phase, hero groups in the planning positions are compared - class ranking is Warrior - Technician - Hunter - Cook; group strength = number of visible class symbols. The strongest group at the current position resolves the actions of the heroes in it: Warriors take monster or item, Technicians take Artifact or Item, Hunters take three tiles from a column and Cook brings three heroes from your camp. After 5/6 days, you score your monsters, artifacts and unused items.


Set collecting game for 2-5 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Edition Spielwiese / Pegasus Spiele 2018

Designer: Sophia Wagner

Realization: Julian Steindorfer, Roman Rybiczka

Art: Max Prentis, atelier198


Stock #: 59015G


Users: With friends


Version: de * Rules: de en * In-game text: no