race through novels
Race through classics of literature! 120 cards comprise four sets of 30 cards each, distinguishable by their backside, so there is one set per player. The front side of five cards each in a set shows a frame color for one of six classic novels - Moby Dick, In 80 Tagen um Die Welt, Krieg der Welten, Alice im Wunderland, Pinocchio and Don Quijote – and a circle in the middle of the card, showing one of the frame colors of the other five novels. As per instructions, three cards, starting three target stacks, are provided by two or three of the players, and every player puts down one card to start his personal discard pile.
All play simultaneously and quickly and turn over card after card from their deck – when the frame color of a card corresponds to the circle color of one of the top cards on a target stack, you can put it there, but must first touch your discard pile with it. You can – again one by one – take back cards from your discard pile in hand to reach suitable cards. When your deck is empty, you turn over your discard pile for a new deck. If you are out of cards, you win! If you want, you can check the target stacks for mistakes – if you made a mistake, you are out of the game, identified by the card back side, and the winner is whoever has fewest cards in hand and discard pile.
Well, literature here only appears in the story and as name givers for card colors; the game itself is a pure reaction game for shedding suitable cards – a proven, good mechanisms; worth mentioning are the beautiful cards, featuring colors that are also working for people with color vision problems.
Players: 2-4
Age: 6+
Time: 5+
Designer: Peter Jürgensen
Artist: Christian Schupp
Price: ca. 8 Euro
Publisher: Edition Spielwiese / Pegasus Spiele 2018
Web: /
Genre: Card shedding, reaction
Users: For families
Version: multi
Rules: de en + es fr it
In-game text: no
Novels only used for color names
Hectic and fast
Compares to:
Ligretto and other card shedding games for correlations
Other editions:
Act in Games (fr), Cranio Creations (it), SD Games (es), Stronghold Games (en)
Chance (pink): 2
Tactic (turquoise): 0
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 2
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 3
Dexterity (green): 2
Action (dark green): 1