You collect points by completing orders. With three cards in hand, you resolve actions in a turn: 1. Expand your garden by one card, covering minimum two flower slots already in your garden. 2. If possible, complete order from the table for points. 3. Place one of your cards for an order on the table. 4. Draw two cards. To complete an order, you need to have – out of all players – most adjacent flower slots of the order in demand. When the draw pile is empty; remaining orders go to players with the most adjacent slots of the type in demand, and you win with most points.
Placement game for 1-5 players, ages 8+
Publisher: Edition Spielwiese / Huch! 2024
Distribution: Hutter Trade
Designer: James Newman
Editing: Cyrill Callenius, Andreas Langkamp
Realization: Michael Schmitt
Art: Anton Firsik, Fiore GmbH
Web: www.hutter-trade-com
Stock #: 88408
Users: For families and with friends
Special: Many players
Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no