Four dances for the floor
After soup and salad and a game of poker the cockroaches are now in the mood to dance. 112 dance cards show four different dance styles - Aua means you should stand up briefly, Bssss means circle your finger, Flapp Flapp makes you flap your arms and Meep makes you pinch your nose. 16 dance card are Taboo dance cards, they show a disco mirror ball, and there are four Taboo cards for each dance.
All dance cards are shuffled together and evenly distributed, surplus cards are set aside. You take your card stack in hand face-down. You put the top card of your stack on the table quickly, do the corresponding movement and name the dance - but - you cannot name and do a dance that is shown on the top card of the discard pile or that was the previous dance named and done. You can place the card, but must name and do another dance. If you place a Taboo card you simply call Stopp. The dance on the taboo card is forbidden for all and the next player must start a new discard pile. When a taboo card is placed on the second stack you switch back to the first, and so on. When stacks are changed, there are two taboo dances for one single player.
If you make a mistake, hesitate too long or stutter, you must take all cards on the table. If you are first to discard all your cards in hand, you win.
A nice and cute reaction game, Kakerlakensalat with movement, which doesn't make things easier, but provides a fun and only seemingly simple practice for concentrating, with lots of fun. Bssss played and danced - Meep taboo played and Stopp, Meep played and Flapp Flapp danced, Bssss played and Flapp Flapp danced, oh no, mistake, pick up the cards!
Players: 2-6
Age: 6+
Time: 20+
Designer: Jacques Zeimet
Artist: Rolf Vogt
Price: ca. 10 Euro
Publisher: Drei Magier / Schmidt Spiele 2014
Genre: cards, movement, reaction
Users: For families
Version: multi
Rules: de en fr it nl
In-game text: no
Variant of Kakerlakensalat
Made more difficult by movement
Good training for concentration and reaction
Compares to:
Kakerlakensalat, Kakerlakensuppe
Other editions:
Currently none
Chance (pink): 1
Tactic (turquoise): 0
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 2
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 0
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 3