Kakerlaken duell
green moves the cockroach
You want to entice a cockroach to your side of the board, for whatever reason, and they approach if you uncover „green“. A board of four columns shows seven rows for cockroach movement and one row at each end with for marked cases for placing tiles.
Four cockroaches begin on the middle one of seven rows, players play the roles of Bluffer and Guesser in alternate turns. The Bluffer places three tiles, marked green, and one tile, marked red, on his placement row, face-down, muddle-up maneuvers are allowed and desirable. Then the Guesser reveals tile after tile: For each green one he moves the cockroach in this column one step towards himself. Revealing the red tile stops the turn immediately, the cockroach in this column does not move. Then the Bluffer moves cockroaches in columns with a face-down tile one step towards himself. If you manage to move a cockroach on a case of your placement row, you win.
In the Kakerlaken Duell Royal version, the Bluffer also uses the Royal tile and marks one of the cockroaches as Queen by putting the Royal tile on it. If a green tile is revealed in the Queen’s column, she moves two cases towards the Guesser. If the tile revealed in her column is red, she moves one step towards the Bluffer; if the Guesser reveals the red tile in another column, the Queen moves two steps towards the bluffer. In both cases, the Bluffer then moves cockroaches as usual for remaining face-down tiles.
Cockroaches not on cards, but crawling on the board! Not yuk, but yum! The movement mechanism is simple and easily explained, the fun comes from the allowed and desirable distraction maneuvers.
Players: 2
Age: 8+
Time: 30+
Designer: Jacques Zeimet
Artist: Rolf Vogt
Price: ca. 16 Euro
Publisher: Drei Magier Spiele 2017
Genre: Bluffing, guessing
Users: For families
Special: 2 players
Version: multi
Rules: de en fr it
In-game text: no
Part of the Kakerlaken / Cockroach series
First placement game of the series
Compares to:
En Garde and games with reaching a goal by meeting a demand
Other editions:
Currently none
Chance (pink): 0
Tactic (turquoise): 1
Strategy (blue): 1
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 2
Interaction (brown): 1
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 0