Bluffspiel mit Biss!
You can win with dolphin cards as well as with shark cards, and you begin with three cards in hand. At the start, you play one face-down and draw a card, then you have one of three action: Play a card face-down and draw a card, or reveal one of your face-down cards, or reveal a face-down card of another player provided you have an open shark in your own display. Sharks that you reveal you take for yourself and replace them with a face-down card from the pile. If you reveal a dolphin you take it and put one of your sharks into the player’s display. You win with seven open dolphins or three shark cards more than any other player or, when there is shark alarm, have no open card and manage to reveal five dolphins in your display.
Bluff game with cards - 2-5 players, ages 6+ * Designers: Anja Wrede und Christoph Cantzler * Art: Johann Rüttinger, Rolf Vogt * ca. 15 min * 610/6-800 and 40841, Drei Magier, 2008 *** Drei Magier Spiele * www.dreimagier.de * Vertrieb: Schmidt Spiele